Even a small drop can create something grand...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Laughter in the kitchen

Yesterday evening was another Quiet Night In. Had many laughs, a beer and some lovely homebaked cake...

[ and one video I just have to share... ]

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Banana flavoured contact lenses

Sometimes you hear things that make you wonder if you heard correctly. I had just that thing when I heard a colleague talk about she wasn't sure she had bought the correct banana flavoured contact lens fluid...

You never looked so tasty...

Of course I had heard wrong, connecting two separate conversations into one, but that didn't stop me from smiling...

[ who knows, maybe this is a great marketing opportunity..! ]

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Road pizza

I know many people have a completely different idea when hearing the word 'Road pizza'...

[ just 'Google image' it if you have no idea... ]

But this morning I found out the true meaning of the word, right in front of my door. No doubt that this is as real as a road pizza can get...!

I didn't check if it was still warm...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Please wash your hands...

Talk about emotional design! This sink just stares at you. No way you will use the toilet and not wash your hands with this little guy watching your every move...

This is the cutest sink ever!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


No, I don't mean the Dutch 'Jump' (see previous entry), I mean the beautiful weather outside! This is no time to sit indoors behind a computer...

[ or game console... ]

Our diner table tree is full of blossom...

Time to go outside for a walk...

And catch some colorful sun rays...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jump like you mean it!

Thanks to all my (ex)colleagues I can now make myself even more ridiculous. The Kinect I was given as a farewell present makes me do strange stuff in my livingroom...

And it takes pictures of you while playing...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Saying goodbye...

I really enjoyed the farewell party @UI_com and Elsevier gave me last night. We should do that again sometime!!!
And the gifts, WOW, you really had me lost for words there...

Instruction manual for my new colleagues...

Thanks to you I will be able to eat my favorite chocolate sprinkles until mid-July 2011.

Guys, you shouldn't have, really...

I will definitely miss everyone of you dearly, and some even more than others! I'm sure the future of User Intelligence will be very successful, even when no one in the office will be complaininhg about ajar doors anymore...

UI: you rock! :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Time for a beer!

The work has been done, time for a well deserved beer (or two)...

Beer o'clock for all..!

And if we can't have enough beers today, we'll have some more tomorrow...

Last day in the office...

Today is going to be my official last day in the User Intelligence office. So much to do: I still need to find a replacement lunch coordinator...

Lauriergracht, I will miss you...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Things I will miss

There are many, many things I will miss. The big and small things I thoroughly enjoyed during working hours which were somehow unique to the projects I was involved in. Here are just some examples...

Taking the stairs to and from lunch (17 floors)

[ and lunches in general of course... ]

Checking the progress at the building site

[ finding open doors that I could close... ]

Eating Piet piraat or K3 chocolate sprinkles

Luckily I will be able to start some new routines at my new job...

Office critters

We used to have a mouse at the office that really liked to life INSIDE our copier-printer... That mouse left us at some point, but thanks to the Ikea we now have a real 'Gusig Mus' that pop-ups here and there...

Doing the accounts payable...

Eating our donuts...

Playing with the office plants...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Things I will not miss

I will surely miss a lot of things at User Intelligence, but there is one thing I probably won't be missing that quickly: the office toilets during winter...

It froze over solid last winter....

Beer check

Having access to a cold beer is an important factor when saying goodbye. Just took it upon myself to refill the beer-fridge at the office...

I guess we have enough for now...

Time for something new

This will be my last week at User Intelligence. I'm getting ready for a whole new adventure...

"Forbidden to enter work..."

Besides finishing some work, most important thing to do this week is saying goodbye to a lot of good friends and colleagues. But as the world has proven to be very small, I assume I'll still be seeing most of them now and again...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Own a saint

Not everyone can be a saint, but it is easy to get a saint for yourself! My saint of choice is Saint Antonius. And he's very useful: Antonius is specialized in the the recovery of lost things...

When you're missing something, just invoke St. Anton...

Hitchhiker bug

This little green critter tried to hitch a ride on my bike.

Get your own bike...


If this bike wants to pass you, you are treated to 6 different squeezable sounds and one bell!

Toot - Honk - Toot - Tooooot - Peep - Honk - Ringgg

Time for an update

Last post almost a year old, time to re-activate this blog.

Not sure if I will have 72 updates...

I'm trying to auto-update Twitter and Facebook, no idea if that will work...

Update 1: Ah, twitter seems to pick it up!
Update 2: Finally got Facebook to recognize it too!