Even a small drop can create something grand...

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Tea time

The sticker says: "Please turn off you computer and monitor every night. The power used by them over the weekend is enough to heat the water to make 350 cups of tea." I turned it off for 5 minutes, so that made me earn just over 7 cups!

I love logic when it's applied to tea!

Drops [3]

Blogger Rogier Boers thinks...

Hmm... either your weekends are very short, or you should recalculate.

Reaction time 05 May, 2010 12:50

Blogger BB thinks...

How many computers did you turn off? :-)

Reaction time 20 May, 2010 18:07

Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

I think by now you have saved enough energy....

Reaction time 23 May, 2010 04:51


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