Even a small drop can create something grand...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Giant fly invasion

Hope this fly is not planning a world invasion, but as long as they are planning to stay is Siberia, I'm fine with it...

Guess they don't have a no-fly zone here...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Waste kitty

Found this message on a pack of crips. I guess that threatening with actually killing a kitten would be more effective!

The Lays recycle kitten..?

[ oh, the ham-cheese flavoured crisp feature a recycle chicken... ]

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fat dogs not allowed?

I wondered if this shop sign is aimed at a particular type of dogs...

Pot-bellied dogs may not enter...

[ does this also apply for overly obsese cats or pigs..? ]

Monday, June 27, 2011

Star-struck cactus

Cause (still) unknown, but the big cactus is pushing up the daisies...
Since it was too big to dispose in one go, we had to cut it into smaller pieces.

And that revealed something special..!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dutch weather

It will be very warm the coming (two) days, but we had some stormy weather in the last few days...

Dark clouds gathering...

And when you are in between rains, beautyful things happen...


Monday, June 13, 2011

Don't believe it...

Today I saw a commericial of @GarnierFructis: #PureShine. It claimed to remove the dulling effect of calcium in water and make your hair shine...
The first thought that came to my mind was: they added a decalcifing agent to their shampoo, like Calgon...

Fructis pure shine = shampoo + Calgon..?

The second thought I had was: didn't dog (and cat) food do the same for their furr..?

Give your pet a shiny coat!

So, the next time you think my hair is looking especially shiny, I am probably eating dog food...

[ or added a Calgon tablet to my regular shampoo... ]

Monday, June 06, 2011

Big foot wrinkle

Couple of days ago I discovered a big line on my foot. I'm not sure if there are any foot-palm-readers around that can interpret it, but I'm sure it must be something significant...

My big foot life line..?

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Going Dutch

Eventhough a constant wind tried to blow us the other way, we reached Marken to eat an icecream and cycle back again.

Feeling like a tourist in your own country...

And with the wind in our backs, we were home in no time at all!